Frequently Asked Questions

Curious about our installation process? We are happy to answer any questions you may have. Here are some frequently asked questions from our customers but please reach out with additional concerns.

How long can a well-installed epoxy flooring system last?

A common mistake most people make is believing that epoxy flooring systems don’t last very long. A well-installed epoxy floor can last your home or industrial facility 20 plus years of peak performance and dependability. Epoxy flooring won’t last long if your concrete is not prepped in the correct fashion but, we have decades of combined experience so we know what we are doing. Another way epoxy flooring won’t last very long is with the use of those low-quality DIY kits. These kits do not use the highest quality materials on the market as we do. Leave your epoxy flooring up to the pros and it will last you decades!

What are the benefits of Garage Epoxy Flooring?

When you choose to make the switch to an epoxy garage floor coating, the benefits of it will rain down upon you. The list can go on and on with the benefits of this flooring system so we will go over the best ones with you. A garage floor epoxy floor is extremely durable and won’t be damaged from impact from heavy objects, won’t deteriorate from harsh chemicals and it won’t stain from gasoline or oil. All clients love the fact that garage floor epoxy doesn’t require any type of waxes or polishing. All you’ll need for maintenance is a soft bristle broom or a dust mop, a standard mop and in extreme cases of cleanup a garden hose and a stiff bristle nylon brush.

Where can epoxy flooring be applied?

The simple answer for that question is epoxy can be applied anywhere you have concrete or anywhere you can install concrete. Epoxy floor coatings are formulated to withstand damage and aging from even the harshest environments. Epoxies are useful in a room like a mancave to an industrial facility where forklifts roam 24/7. epoxies can even be used on driveways and sidewalks to reinforce your concrete or simply jazz up the front of your home. No matter what you need from your flooring or where you need flooring, an epoxy coating will get the job done.

How is epoxy flooring better than traditional concrete?

Epoxy flooring is much better than a bare concrete floor in many ways. Epoxy flooring is a seamless and solid surface that doesn’t allow any moisture or impacts to touch your concrete making it last longer. A bare concrete floor is very porous and will crack and chip if a heavy object is dropped on it. When moisture is able to leak onto a concrete surface, the concrete absorbs the moisture which breaks down its molecular composition, which weakens it. Not only will your concrete crack faster, the soil underneath washes away and may cause serious structural damage. An epoxy flooring system will make your concrete moisture resistant and up to 300 percent stronger.

How long does it take to install a garage epoxy floor?

Our team of epoxy garage floor installers know how important the garage is to many families. That’s why they have honed their craft after decades of work to streamline the prep process making install happen in the blink of an eye. After the tedious but completely necessary prep process and the top coat of your epoxy floor has been applied, your garage will be ready for foot traffic in at least 24 hours. The cure time in which your garage floor will be ready to handle vehicles is at least 72 hours. After 72 hours you will be able to enjoy the full benefits that garage floor epoxy coatings have to offer!

What are the different types of epoxy flooring?

There are many different types of epoxy flooring, from residential epoxy flooring to industrial epoxy floor coatings. All epoxy floor coatings have special uses and have been selected for the use of your area like a static guard epoxy which will prevent static electricity from forming in a room with electronics. Decorative epoxies are most commonly used in living areas in residential properties for there one of a kind and modern appearance. No matter what you need from your flooring, we have the solution for you!

Are epoxy floors slippery?

The common misconception of epoxy flooring being slippery is the glossy top coat and the slick appearance. This is entirely false, epoxy flooring has a texture that provides natural grip. While like most flooring options, epoxy flooring can be slippery when wet or soiled. But epoxy flooring has an answer to that problem as well. If you know your area is going to be exposed to moisture or accidental spills, we offer an additive that will be placed in the top coat that resembles sand that adds an immense amount of grip.

What is the maintenance like for an epoxy floor?

The easy maintenance of epoxy flooring has earned it the nickname of “worry free flooring”. When it comes to maintaining your epoxy flooring, there are no waxes or polishes required to maintain the sleek and glossy appearance. Most people only use a dust mop or a soft bristle broom and a standard wet mop. But for the more soiled floor, simply sweep up any loose debris and hose down your flooring with a garden hose. If any type of material sticks to your epoxy flooring, simply brush on the material with a stiff bristle nylon brush until the material has been lifted. Just like that, your floor will look like brand new!

Are epoxy floors good for commercial settings?

Commercial facilities have strict guidelines that flooring in their facilities must abide by. Epoxy flooring is USDA approved and can be used in food and beverage establishments as well as hospital facilities such as operating theaters. Retail facilities also use epoxy flooring for their grip and overall appearance. Epoxy floors are safe to walk on even when wet with a special additive. Commercial facilities love epoxy flooring for the durability as they can withstand heavy foot traffic and even forklift traffic on a daily basis. Epoxy flooring can also be designed in a way to create work paths and barriers to keep your workers out of forklift traffic in a warehouse setting.

Are epoxy floors good for residential settings?

Our clients in the residential setting love our epoxy floor coatings. They offer a one of a kind appearance that no other traditional method of flooring can replicate, especially our metallic epoxy flooring. Not only do homeowners fall in love with the appearance, but they also love how durable the flooring is. Accidents occur often in most homes and flooring usually gets damaged but with epoxy, damaged flooring is a thing of the past. The benefit that most homeowners love the most is the affordability of epoxy floor coatings. No other flooring on the market can stand up to the test of time like epoxy can, making epoxy flooring an investment towards your future!

Are epoxy floors slippery when wet?

Epoxy floors can indeed become slippery when wet, much like many other smooth surfaces. However, various additives and textures can be incorporated into the epoxy coating during installation to enhance traction and reduce slipperiness. These may include anti-slip aggregates like quartz or silica sand, which create a textured surface to improve grip even when the floor is wet.

How long does epoxy flooring last?

The longevity of epoxy flooring largely depends on factors such as the quality of installation, the level of foot traffic, and the degree of maintenance. Generally, a well-installed epoxy floor can last anywhere from 10 to 20 years or even longer with proper care. Routine maintenance, such as cleaning and periodic recoating, can help extend its lifespan.

Can epoxy flooring be installed over existing flooring?

Yes, epoxy flooring can often be applied over existing flooring materials, such as concrete, as long as the surface is structurally sound, clean, and properly prepared. Surface preparation typically involves cleaning, degreasing, and roughening the existing floor to ensure good adhesion between the epoxy and the substrate.

Is epoxy flooring suitable for outdoor use?

While epoxy flooring offers durability and chemical resistance, it is generally not recommended for outdoor use. Exposure to UV radiation from sunlight can cause epoxy to yellow and degrade over time. Additionally, temperature fluctuations and moisture exposure outdoors can lead to delamination and other forms of damage.

How do I clean and maintain epoxy flooring?

Cleaning and maintaining epoxy flooring is relatively straightforward. Regular sweeping or dust mopping can help prevent debris buildup, while occasional mopping with mild soap and water or a specialized epoxy floor cleaner can keep the surface clean and free of stains. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners that can damage the epoxy coating.

Does epoxy flooring come in different colors and finishes?

Yes, epoxy flooring is available in a variety of colors, finishes, and decorative options to suit different aesthetic preferences and functional requirements. Solid colors, metallic finishes, and decorative flake or quartz systems are among the popular choices, allowing for customization to match the desired look and style of the space.

Can epoxy flooring be repaired if damaged?

Yes, damaged epoxy flooring can often be repaired depending on the extent of the damage. Minor scratches or surface imperfections can typically be addressed by lightly sanding the affected area and applying a new coat of epoxy or a compatible repair product. For more severe damage, such as cracks or chips, professional repair services may be required.

What is the curing time for epoxy flooring?

The curing time for epoxy flooring can vary depending on factors such as temperature, humidity, and the specific epoxy formulation used. In general, epoxy coatings require at least 24 to 48 hours to cure to a point where they can withstand foot traffic, but full cure may take several days or even weeks, especially in cooler or more humid conditions.

Is epoxy flooring environmentally friendly?

Epoxy flooring can be considered environmentally friendly if it meets certain criteria such as low volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions and compliance with environmental standards. Some epoxy products are formulated with eco-friendly ingredients and are designed to minimize environmental impact during manufacturing, installation, and use.

Are there any health concerns associated with epoxy flooring installation?

EWhile epoxy flooring installation involves the use of chemicals and fumes, proper ventilation and safety precautions can mitigate potential health risks. It’s important for installers to wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) such as respirators and gloves, and to follow manufacturer guidelines and safety protocols to minimize exposure to harmful substances.

Can epoxy flooring be installed in areas with high humidity or temperature fluctuations?

Yes, epoxy flooring can be installed in areas with high humidity or temperature fluctuations, but it’s crucial to ensure proper surface preparation and environmental conditions for successful installation. Moisture and temperature variations can affect epoxy curing and adhesion, so measures such as moisture testing, moisture barriers, and temperature control may be necessary to ensure optimal performance.

How does epoxy flooring compare to other types of flooring in terms of sound absorption?

Epoxy flooring is not typically known for its sound absorption properties. Unlike softer flooring materials such as carpet or rubber, epoxy coatings are relatively hard and dense, which means they may reflect rather than absorb sound. In environments where sound absorption is a concern, supplementary acoustic treatments such as rugs, acoustic panels, or ceiling baffles may be necessary.

Can epoxy flooring be customized to incorporate logos or designs?

Yes, epoxy flooring can be customized with logos, designs, or patterns to create unique and personalized surfaces. Various techniques such as stenciling, epoxy dyes, or the incorporation of decorative flakes or metallic pigments allow for endless design possibilities. This customization not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of the floor but also enables branding and signage in commercial or industrial settings.